Call for Papers a.y.

“Design of right for nature, animals and future generations”

Call for papers

International Workshop “Design of right for nature, animals and future generations”
a.y. 2023/2024

Event details
Date: September 20, 2024
Category: Call for papers
Event Language: Italian/English
Mode: In presence or at distance.
Fee: the Workshop is free of charge, both for the speakers and the public.


The Jean Monnet Chair European Green Rights: reshaping fundamental rights for next generations EUGREENEXT granted at the Università degli Studi Suor Orsola  Benincasa (Naples, Italy) aims to highlight an approach to fundamental rights (health, environment, including nature and animals, ownership, consumer protection) shaping them in light of the concept of sustainability within the European Union ( Green Rights ).

With regard to the Design of rights for nature, animals and future generations, the Jean Monnet Chair EUGREENEXT focuses on  rules and traditional categories of private law related to animals and nature, in a renewed ethical  and sustainability perspective, having in mind the future of next generations.

The Workshop is aimed, then, at being a space for discussion on the legal  strategies for guaranteeing a suitable environment and living on Earth.

At the final conference of the Jean Monnet project EUGREENEXT, we bring together leading experts from academia, professionals, enterprises, stakeholders to discuss on ethical and legal aspects of the rights for nature, animals and future generation. In addition to invited participants, we welcome applications from scholars, PhD candidates and experts working in this field for presenting their research, studies, case studies, active surveys, posters.

Questions that the conference will address include the following, not limited to:

  • Are Animals Legal Subjects?
  • How could the legislator guarantee the protection of Animals and of future generations?
  • Animal testing and alternatives ( g. organoids)
  • Ethical approach for animal and human genomics
  • How can ethical and legal frameworks support Sustainable Development Goals?
  • How AI and neurotechnologies can help understand and protect Animals?
  • Food and animal well-being
  • What are the legal and ethical implications of considering Nature and ecosystems as rights-holders?
  • Are Nature and Natural resources as “Commons” for a collective management system?
  • Climate justice
  • Legal strategies exist for addressing climate change and promoting clean and renewable energies (g. Corporate Environmental Responsibility; financial instruments and incentives; labels and green claims etc.)
  • How do different jurisdictions approach the concept of environmental justice?
  • How can ethical and legal frameworks support Sustainable Development Goals?
  • Sustainability/environmental impact assessments
  • Emerging technologies and sustainability
  • What strategies exist for integrating human rights and environmental protection?

Abstracts in word format in Italian or in English of no more than 300 words can be submitted until July 28, 2024 to , also attaching a CV (in pdf format).

We will provide applicants with a decision on acceptance by August 5, 2024.

Each abstract will go through a blind review process carried out by expert Referees, members of the academic staff of the Jean Monnet Chair EUGREENEXT (peer reviewed), coordinated by the Chair Holder Prof. Ilaria Amelia Caggiano.
Referees are sector specialists who verify papers suitability for the workshop.