Academic Year


Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Focus on The Rights for Nature and Animals and Sustainability
  • I Part: Sources of European Green Law

– International and European principles on the protection of environment and for sustainability

– European Green Law: analysis of EU acts and policies. The new strategy of the European Green Dealand the 8th Environmental Action Programme and National Measures

– Ethical Issues of Green Law

  • II Part: Subjects of Green Law and regulatory tools

– Climate Change

– Clean and renewable energies

– Sustainable food and agricultural innovation

  • III Part: The Rights for Nature and Animals and Sustainability.

– Nature and natural resources as ‘Commons” for a collective management system

– Nature and Animals as Legal Subjects

–  Protection of Animals and Protection of future generations

Some classes addressed to the students will host external experts and experienced lecturers on specific topics related to the
theme “The Right to Environment and Sustainability” and open to auditors and public.
These interdisciplinary and interactive classes will be divided into “Green Lectures” and “Green Talks” according to
the co-speaker involved.
In some cases, given the topicality and innovation-related character of the issues addressed, classes will be coordinated with the Doctoral course and open to the public.
* Find all the information on these classes in the section Dissemination.
  • “Advanced studies on ecosystems, agriculture and ecology of law” (12 hours).
  • “Design of rights for nature, animals and future generations” (10 hours).